8 Ways To Maximize Your Home’s Value When Selling it:

  1. Declutter and deep clean: A cluttered and dirty home will turn off potential buyers, so it's important to declutter and deep clean before listing your home.

  2. Make repairs: Fix any broken items or issues that could potentially lower your home's value. This includes leaky faucets, creaky floorboards, and worn out appliances.

  3. Stage the home: Staging your home helps potential buyers see its potential and envision themselves living there. You can stage your home yourself or hire a professional.

  4. Paint the walls: A fresh coat of paint in a neutral color can make your home look brighter, cleaner, and more attractive to potential buyers.

  5. Update fixtures: Updating fixtures such as light fixtures, door handles, and cabinet knobs can give your home a more modern look and add value.

  6. Landscaping: A well-manicured lawn and landscaping can make your home look more inviting and increase its curb appeal.

  7. Highlight the home's unique features: Highlight your home's unique features, such as a large backyard, a fireplace, or a new roof.

  8. Price it right: It's important to price your home competitively. Overpricing it can lead to fewer showings and a longer time on the market, while underpricing it can result in leaving money on the table.